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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Repetitive Motion Injuries, such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, are the fastest growing segment of injuries in America today.

Repetitive Motion Injury, Cumulative Trauma Disorder, and Tendonitis

Repetitive Motion Injuries represent the fastest growing segment of injuries in American society today. The most commonly referenced condition that falls in this category is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Many factors have been blamed on this recent epidemic, including increased computer usage, poor ergonomics, longer commutes to/from work, increased backpack weight in children and improper medical treatment that is focused on symptom masking and not on prevention or correction. Cumulative Trauma Disorder is another commonly used name for this category of injuries.

Repetitive “rubbing” of sensitive soft-tissues or chronic muscle tightness will initiate an injury cascade that will eventually lead to significant dysfunction and pain. Both of these situations deprive the soft-tissues of much needed oxygen due to a decrease in full muscle contraction and complete relaxation. This reduces the “pumping” action that normally occurs within healthy muscle tissue. A decrease in tissue oxygenation triggers fibroblastic activity – the primary mechanism involved in the formation of scar tissue. Unfortunately, as more fibrous tissue is created, muscle oxygenation, flexibility and strength are further reduced. This cycle continues until both structure and function have been degraded to the point that symptoms occur – usually stiffness, pain or weakness. In other words, repetitive motion injuries can develop over months or years before the first symptom is ever experienced!

As the condition progresses, the “stickiness” of the muscles and tendons can extend into the spaces between the soft tissues forcing them to become “stuck” to one another. When this happens around a nerve it can cause an irritation of the nerve known to doctors as a peripheral nerve entrapment.

Treatment for Repetitive Motion Injuries / Cumulative Trauma Disorders

Scar tissue adhesions located within and between soft-tissues are best removed using a muscle therapy called Active Release, a treatment method that often provides immediate and dramatic results. It is a patented, state-of-the-art soft tissue (muscles, ligaments, fascia and nerves) treatment system that was designed specifically to deal with repetitive motion injuries.

The Active Release doctor uses his hands to evaluate the injured tissue. Then, precisely applied tension is combined with specific patient movements. Treatment is an interactive process involving both doctor and patient and every Active Release session is actually a unique combination of examination and treatment. Patients often notice improvement in their levels of pain, flexibility and strength within seconds following the treatment.

Other treatments may also be employed including stretching and strengthening exercises, postural correction and ergonomic training.