Irvine Spine and Sport
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Shin Splints

Shin Splints, a common problem for runners, can also be caused by standing for long periods of time. The problem is usually caused by improper biomechanics of the foot and knee.

Shin Splints

Shin Splints is a common problem seen in runners and individuals that stand on their feet for long periods of time (e.g., grocery clerks, hair stylists). This condition is most often characterized by pain over the “shin” bone (tibia) and tends to be increased with standing, walking or running.

Although the pain associated with this condition is due to a chronic contraction of the muscle at the front of leg (tibialis anterior), the cause of this problem is usually related to improper biomechanics of the foot and knee. Such a situation can cause a twisting of the shin bone forcing the tibialis anterior to work much harder than should be necessary. This twisting is called tibial torsion and, if left untreated, can cause significant damage to the cartilage pad of the knee called the meniscus.

Treatment for Shin Splints

The only effective way to recover from shin splints is to correct the underlying cause of the pain. Chiropractic treatment focuses on returning the biomechanics of the foot and knee to proper function reducing strain on the tibialis anterior allowing it to heal. Foot orthotics may also be necessary depending on the nature of the foot dysfunction. To accelerate the healing process and ensure complete recovery, Active Release muscle therapy for the tibialis anterior is often used to reduce spasm and scar-tissue within the muscle. Active Release is a treatment method that often provides immediate and dramatic results. It is a patented, state-of-the-art soft tissue (muscles, ligaments, fascia and nerves) treatment system that was designed specifically to deal with cumulative trauma disorders like Shin Splints.

The Active Release doctor uses his hands to evaluate the injured tissue. Then, precisely applied tension is combined with specific patient movements. Treatment is an interactive process involving both doctor and patient and every Active Release session is actually a unique combination of examination and treatment. Patients often notice improvement in their levels of pain, flexibility and strength within seconds following the treatment.

Related conditions may also need to be addressed in order to achieve complete resolution of your symptoms. Problems that tend to occur along with Shin Splints include Plantar Fascitis and Runner’s Knee.